Tuesday, January 03, 2012


I love reading blogs and desire to really dive into my blog and make it more personal.  There are so many reasons to blog and so many different kinds of blogs out there for one to read.  I have several friends that use their blogs as "'reviews" or "life in the day of" or "the catch all" so with all this taken in I will attempt this year to make my blog just that a reflection of who the "Bates" are at this place and time in God's amazing story.  I can only imagine years from now what the internet or the way we translate history will be like but I know I love being a part of bigger story that God is telling.  How cool would it be for someone to come across our blog and be encouraged in their faith.  

We have embarked on a new journey this last year with an amazing blessing of "Arthur Lincoln" and we have begun a new life in Kansas City, Missouri.  We spent several months just getting settled into living with my parents while we wait for our house to sell in Georgia. As we were getting all settled into we also found a wonderful church called New City Church that is truly at the ground level.  We actually are launching our first service 8 January 2012.  We feel truly blessed by all that God is doing in and through our lives.  Really us just being here in Kansas City is a testimony to God's faithfulness.  Back in April2011 AL actually was laid off from his job and we were expecting LiL man in May so AL started looking in the Kansas City area for jobs as we knew we really wanted to start our family being closer to family on both sides.  AL found a great company online to apply to but there was no career page listed so emailed the only contact available and they emailed back a day or so later saying they didn't have any openings but they were really impressed with his resume so they forwarded it on to another company. We heard from the other company a week later saying they didn't have any jobs either but really liked what they saw and forwarded his resume on to a friend at another company.  A few weeks later we heard from Motion Industries and after a few phone interviews and AL flying out to KC for an interview they hired him.  Typically this company hires through other agencies which is just another testimony to what God is doing.  So with a week before Arthur was to arrive AL had a job and we began packing.  Well, really AL began packing as I was just packing on weight.  We knew God's hand has been on our lives and marriage from the beginning but I am just floored at the way he ushered us into this next chapter of life. 

Arthur Lincoln arrived 12 May 2011 at 4:43a.m. with a fast healthy delivery and on 1 June 2011we began our travels to Kansas City for this new chapter in our lives that God is writing.  I pray that I was truly able to embrace every "awe" moment with AL and Arthur as things were changing so fast.
I never want to forget God's faithfulness in our lives and to never question HIS timing. I guess that would be a great "resolve" for the new year 2012.  Arthur is such a mind blowing package of God's love, peace, and joy all in one bundle.  Every day I learn something new about him but also about myself and my marriage.  God's unconditional love couldn't be more evident than through the eyes of a baby.  I feel so blessed and honored to be his mom!  I love this new chapter and everything that it comes with: love, laughter, tears, challenges, laughter, changes and growing.  Thank you God for giving my AL to walk this journey of life with...

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Waiting the Arrival of Arthur...

29 April 2011 was my last day of teaching as I begin my maternity leave. Arthur is seeming pretty content with where he is at in his mommy's tummy though. Of course his actual due date isn't until May 13 so he is perfectly content I think to wait it out. I find myself just taking deep breathes as we are about to embark on this next chapter in God's amazing story with a little one. It truly is a miracle and I can't seem to breathe it all in. I thank God everyday for this opportunity to carry this little guy knowing he chose AL and I to be his parents and HE chose Arthur for us; to teach us to grow in the love and knowledge of our Savior on a whole new level.
It is great having this time off of teaching to actually relax and enjoy this time of being pregnant. I feel like I have had only a few moments everyday to reflect instead of just soaking it all in. I am challenged though by something a dear sweet woman shared at a friend's baby shower back in February: "Enjoy Every Moment." They truly do fly by us I believe it is because God's story is constantly in motion. God's story doesn't stop but keeps moving everyday as HE is orchestrating HIS perfect plan through our lives. I really can't say it enough...WOW!!! I'm so honored to be a part of HIS story and always want this vessel to be open so that HE can bring HIS story through.
I love this scripture that God put on my heart several months ago for Arthur:
Colossians 1:9
"And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding..."

Monday, January 03, 2011

Even Though...

Trust His ways, even though they may not be your ways.

Take His hand, even though it means letting go of what you are hanging onto.

Depend upon His strength, even though you are aware of your weakness.

Please His heart, even though it means not having the approval of others.

Wait for His time, even though you desire to do it now.

Obey His Word, even though you hear different opinions.

Follow His path, even though it takes you through valleys and hills.

Seek His wisdom, even though you don’t understand everything He’s doing.

Give Him praise, even though you wish things were different.

Be at rest, even though you’re tempted to worry and fear.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In HIS time!

I've been marinating a daily devotion I came across back on the 14th of April 2010. I found it on our daily calendar that sits atop our bathroom sink. I read it every morning as I am brushing my teeth in order to not focus on the fact that the new toothbrush requires 2 minutes of brushing. But nonetheless it is a great focus place my thoughts in the morning on God's word. I know we are not to rely on the daily word calendars or the daily scripture that appears in our inbox but what I do know is that God uses the smallest of things to propel us closer to Him, a catalyst into His presence.
The scripture and thought that appeared that morning was found in Job 37:5 and I will admit my first thought was "Woa is me Job," I just remember the many stories of Job's trials and they were horrible, granted the story had an amazing ending but it is one of those books in the bible that some of us don't want to read because we think if we read it we might have to endure some trial like Job. Well that was not the case this morning when I read the scripture from Job, it was so inspiring and encouraging.
His word thundering so wondrously, His mighty acts staggering our understanding!
Job 37:5 (MSG)

His acts are staggering that we cannot truly comprehend at times. I want to live a life that others look at and see the staggering acts of God. It is all for HIS glory and we are all these little parts in HIS great big Story! I know sometimes we can get ahead of God's story and try to write our own narrative in before He calls for it because we jump ahead into situations or seized opportunities that were not yet ours to embrace. We then find ourselves struggling, financially, mentally, or emotionally. Later, we come to realize if we had just waited on God we could have discovered His better way!

May we learn to live in that quiet "waiting" mode in which the Holy Spirit works
and directs our hearts. We choose to wait on God to manage our tomorrows rather
than maneuvering them ourselves. Tasting tomorrow's promise doesn't require any
maneuvering on our part. The promise fulfilled for those who learn to wait. (Jack Hayford)

Well, we are in the waiting but so embracing the beautiful story HE is unfolding around us. Sometimes we are just waiting whether it is behind the curtains on stage, in the audience, or out in the foyer but all the while the story is going on. I don't want to miss out on what HE is doing but I don't want to write my own little part of HIS amazing story. We are part of such a "now" generation, I can only partially wrap my mind around what people of the bible were thinking as they were waiting on God. Often, HIS answers came generations later.

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous.
Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.
Psalm 27:14 (NLT)

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Spring 2010

It is officially that time of year when we change out our clothes in the closet, we take inventory of what needs to be bought for the perfect spring/summer outings, and we start noticing the few pounds we have put on over the winter months. I know for me it is a time of reflection but also a time of newness and the blooms of God's love for us. I have been knee deep in Beth Moore's study of the Psalms of the Ascent. It always amazes me how God gives us just what we need when we are beckoning HIS throne room for answers, comfort, love, and HIS peace. I am loving the scripture Ephesians 3:20(msg)
God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or
guess or request in your wildest dreams! HE does it not by pushing us around
but by working within us, HIS Spirit deeply and gently within us.

I say that I know this scripture and understand it but I think God is saying "no my child not really but I am going to do more than you can imagine and you will see a glimpse at what I can do." I am excited and nervous all in the same breathe. But I know in my heart HE only has good things in store for HIS children...for us, AL and me.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Stepping UP

Monday Night, February 22 was the beginning of a new journey with an incredible group of godly women from Momentum. We began a Beth Moore study called “Stepping Up” a journey through the Psalms of Ascent. As with most of Beth Moore studies you never know what God has in store for you or why you are doing that or this particular study but what you do know is when you are done you will be all the closer to your Savior. Our study started off to a great start of just sharing of who we are and the excitement of this new pilgrimage we are on together.

I left with the evening with so many things pressed into my heart. I know that I am glad we are giving ourselves two weeks to marinate the word that Beth presented us with and time to dive into God’s word. There were several things mentioned that I was franticly writing down because I knew in the weeks to come I wanted to spend more time with Christ unwrapping that word.

The “word” I walked away with that I probably am looking the most forward to unwrapping with God was something that Beth Moore said towards the end. She was talking about pride, I guess it registered with me as “control” but it was the statement:

“Stop worrying about messing things up because you aren’t good enough to mess God up!”

Talk about a freeing statement. I mean who really is in control of this story…makes you wonder why we spending so much time worrying. Just wish I could imprint that on my heart and mind.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

A Dwelling Place

1 Chronicles 16:27
Splendor and majesty flow out of HIM, strength and joy fill HIS place.
1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to God - HE is good and HIS love never quits.

Thank you father for the morning morsel of your word. Your dwelling place LORD, is a place where strength and joy fill us. I know that this morning that is what I claim for AL and me, that we would be filled with your strength and joy during this time of loss. My prayer is that we would have your perspective of our lives and of your story. I know a range of emotions are flowing through my heart and mind the past couple of days. I am not sure what to do with all of them, sometimes I guess I just cry. I have heard that crying is your way of healing our hearts. I just want to cling to you during this time but not just when I am hurting but always. I am so grateful for your truths and for the godly man that you picked for me. I am so amazed at the love he shows me, the perspective of our lives he has, and the love he has for you LORD. Again, that you for the amazing blessings you have bestowed upon on our lives. I know in my heart that you have a precious little one for AL and me someday. I pray for that little one that we would raise him/her to have a passionate pursuit for the things of Christ. Hold us close LORD during this time, hold us close for I know you are a good God and your love never quits. NEVER~